Jackson School for the Arts

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JSA Celebrates Scholastics Winners

On January 6, Scholastics winners were announced, and JSA is proud to recognize a number of JSA Students. Join us in celebrating these talented students, and the families, staff, and community members who have guided and supported them.

The Scholastics Art Exhibition will be on display January 16-29 at the Kent State University Stark Conference Center.

The Awards Ceremony for all Gold and Silver Key winners will be held on January 25 at 10:00 a.m. for Seniors, and 12:00 p.m. for underclassmen.

All art must be picked up on Jan. 30.

Scholastics Jewelry Winners

Congratulations to Gold Key Winner, Kenzie Tran.

Congratulations to Silver Key Winners, Lilly Stark and Amelia Nonnamaker.

Congratulations to Honorable Mention Winners, Adam Schrader and Amelia Nonnamaker.

Scholastics Fine Art Winners

Congratulations to Gold Key Winners Summer McFee, Ray Cho, Isabella Dalman, Emma Piercy, Amelia Nonnamaker, Cara Piland, Elysia Truex, and Emma Todich.

Congratulations to Silver Key Winners, Elle Bettilyon, Brenna Charlick, and Isabella Liber.