Jackson School for the Arts

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JSA Launches Alumni Connect Initiative

Alumni Connect is a JSA community initiative providing a vehicle for alumni and students to connect with friends, get advice, find a career mentor and more, designed by JSA senior Zachary Charlick in collaboration with The Buzz Maker, JSA’s website and public relations sponsor.

Because most traditional internships were prohibited by COVID-19 crisis, each JSA senior was tasked with designing a 20-Time Project, utilizing talents and skills to produce a tangible product. Zach tackled the Alumni Connect initiative, a comprehensive Alumni Search feature for the jsajackson.org website.

Upon graduation, JSA students go on to do amazing things in numerous professions, but there hasn’t been a great way for students and alumni to stay connected.

This initiative seeks to provide JSA alumni and students with the ability to reach out and connect, searching by name, graduation year or career focus.

“JSA is truly a family,” said Charlick. The bonds we have formed don’t have to dissolve after graduation. We can still utilize our connections in new learning environments, the workforce, and beyond.”

We want to make this new feature as useful as possible! Our team would love to hear your feedback.

Share Your Alumni Connect Experience

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